Health Ministries
near Atlanta, Georgia
Michelle Talbot Bey
Sui Juris, Pro Per
Minister of Health
Cancellation Policy
24 hours prior notice required
Our mission is to assist in unlocking the body's dynamic, natural ability to holistically heal itself using mind, body, therapies.
We offer natural and preventative approaches that include personalized medical, therapeutic, relaxation, mind/mental therapies, in depth Ayurvedic consultations, treatments and services for prevention, maintenance, ayurvedic prescriptions and relief from chronic dis eases.
According to Ayurveda, everyone is born with a mixture of these three doshas. Determining your primary dosha is the first step towards finding your optimal state of balanced, natural health. If you don't know your own unique Ayurvedic body type, we encourage you to take our free dosha quiz.
Take our free Ayurveda dosha quiz to learn your imbalance
Past and Present
Commonwealth of Virginia Board of Nursing Department of Health Professions
The Board's mission is to ensure safe and competent patient care by licensing health professionals, enforcing standards of practice, and providing information to health care practitioners and the
National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork
The mission of NCBTMB is to define and advance the highest standards in the massage therapy and bodywork profession. In support of this mission, it serves the profession through Board
Certification, Approved Providers, and Assigned Schools.
American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA)
The American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) is the largest non-profit, professional association serving massage therapists, massage students and massage schools.
American Fitness Professionals and Associates (AFPA)
AFPA offers a wide range of professional certifications in the fields of fitness, personal training, sports performance, wellness & nutrition.
Healthways WholeHealth Networks
HWHN provides physical medicine benefit management to Health Plans and employer groups throughout the country, including chiropractic,
physical therapy, occupational therapy and complimentary alternative medicine (CAM).
Allegra Learning Solutions
ALLEGRA Learning Solutions, LLC, designs and develops continuing professional education courses, certificate programs, curricula, classes, and
workshops for an interdisciplinary audience, including nurses, health care professionals, and other interested individuals. With a focus on integrative health, wellness, and a holistic perspective,
ALLEGRA Learning Solutions is the premier education provider for those who wish to enhance their health care knowledge, skills and abilities.
-Everybody Walk-The Movement to Get Americans Moving
This campaign was launched in January 2011. Pleasures II Wellness began a partnership with its "Walk and Roll 2 Wellness" campaign in 2016. Together along with the other partners in the
network, we are working to spread the message that walking 30 minutes as day, five days a week really can improve your overall health and prevent disease.
Med Fit Network Professional Group (MFN)